Continue Once
This authentication method is by far the simplest and requires the guest to simply click a “Continue” button. This option is most often paired with a Terms & Conditions and a disclaimer stating that by continuing that the guest agrees to the terms. Configuration can be found in the Access menu:
To configure this module, you only need to set a few options which are explained below.
Logon Text is displayed to the guest upon proceeding and clicking the “continue” button, you can put anything here you would like to inform the guest of at that time.
Max Data is the number of Megabytes for which the guest is allowed to use in on a given calendar day. Access resets at midnight each night and the guest will be re-prompted at that time. Setting a limit usually is done when you also have an alternative authentication method in place (like selling access online).
Upload Speed & Download Speed are bandwidth Simple Limits applied to each guest
Custom Queue are bandwidth limits that can “burst” applied to each guest (see Bandwidth Limits)