Voucher Usage

Seeing the full picture about your guests experience is very important and this is the place you can view this information quickly and easily. You can search directly via a Voucher code by accessing this via the Guest Internet menu or you can click on a voucher code from any other screen you see one:


To Search for a voucher by code, enter it in the search box after selecting the Voucher Usage from the menu on the left (as per above):

Once you have been able to locate your voucher, you will be presented with a screen with quite a lot of detail contained in different sections. It can feel overwhelming for a new user, but as you understand what the information means it becomes clear why this is all here for you.

The Information card at the top provides basic information about the voucher you are looking at. The Details line will provide you information about how this voucher came to exist in the first place, it may be from any one of the Authentication Modules and each display extra data depending on the specifics of the module.

Devices on Voucher provides you a list of all the guest devices which are linked on this voucher. You can click the plus (+) icon next to each device MAC address to reveal what type of device it may be (if the information is available).
You can also disable auto-login for any device in the list, this can be useful if the device limit has been reached on the voucher and the guest wants to change over to a different device. The Active devices in this list are counted against the Device Limit for the voucher.

Add Device to Voucher provides a way to add a specific device MAC address to the voucher. This is most often used when a guest has a device that lacks the ability to show the Captive Portal screen to authenticate.

Terminate Voucher provides a quick and easy way to render the voucher unusable. A reason must be entered so that there is a record of why this action was performed and logs of which admin user performed the action are made in the background also.
This action also connects to the Hotspot Controller on your site and immediately disconnects all guests who are using this voucher.
Using this function can have consequences on the modules that generated them such as the PMS module being left with the inability for the guest to regain access. This will not refund a voucher purchased via the Stripe Integration, you should do that whole process from that module.

Usage Graphs at the bottom provide the data used across the past 30 days as well as a breakdown per day. You can click on a day of the Month Usage graph to load up the daily detail for that day if you wish. Granular data like this goes back only 30 days, but the total data used is stored for the life of the voucher.