Template Customisation

While this section is quite long, not all the sections will be relevant to your property. You only need to complete a few of the sections which are mandatory and then only the specific sections which you need for the Authentication Modules you are using for your property.

All options in this first section are required to be set, they provide the basis for the Guest experience.

  • bgimage provides a Background to the Captive Portal. Recommend trying to keep the image to less than 300kb to ensure quick load times on your guest devices.

  • logoimage provides a logo on the Captive Portal and also provides the default logo on Printable Vouchers. Recommend around 200-300px wide and keep the size low.

  • boxbgcolor allows you to set the background colour of the central box on the captive portal

  • boxopacity provides an ability to make the central box slightly opaque/see-through so that the background image filters through. Value of 1 means no transparency and 0.80 means 80% solid.

  • btncolor allows you to set the colour of the buttons for user logon/continue

  • bordercolor allows you to set the border of the central area to Black or White to give contrast to the edge.

  • txtcolor allows you to set the border of the Text to Black or White to depending on the colour of the boxbgcolor you have set.

  • logowidth set the percentage width of the logo within the central box.

  • degugmac displays (in small text) at the bottom of the central box, the MAC address of the device connecting. This is helpful to identify devices which often obscure their MAC addresses with privacy settings.

  • hideqr allows to completely hide the Scan QR Code login method. If you are not using Printable Vouchers, there is currently no benefit to using QR Codes within the system.

  • fontfamily allows you to set the Font-Family used. If there are additional fonts you wish to use, please contact 4WiFi support or your Resell Partner to have them added.

  • case allows to optionally set all text to Uppercase as can be easier to read with certain fonts.


This section is displayed only when PMS Authentication is being displayed.

  • text provides test above the inputs and continue button to inform your guests what details they require to successfully complete authentication.


This section relates to a special PMS extension which (if enabled) lets the guest choose between 2 different plans (usually a slower Free version and a faster Paid version). This is only available on some PMS Integrations.

  • btn1 is the text within the first button

  • btn2 is the text within the second button


This section is displayed only when using the Continue Once authentication module.

  • text is text displayed to the user to help them understand how to proceed

  • buttontext defaults to “Continue” if not specified but most commonly is used for “I agree” or similar in regards to Terms & Conditions


Displays only when using the Coded Authentication module

  • text is text displayed to the user to help them understand how to proceed. ie that they need to enter the provided password in the text box below.


Displays if it is possible to use a voucher (ie there are Plans configured in the system). Not every site wants to present this, but may want Plans. So this can be entirely disabled if required.

Also allows the purchase of access via the Stripe Integration.

  • text is text displayed to the user to help them understand how to proceed.

  • purchaseimage allows uploading of an image which is clickable and takes the guest to the list of plans to purchase when configured in UserPays

  • imagewidth is the percentage of the captive portal zone which the above image will fill

  • hidepurchase allows the voucher input to remain while hiding the ability to purchase via Stripe. Useful if you do not have Stripe configured but are providing Printable Vouchers

  • hide allows you to turn off this section entirely since if you have any Plans configured, this option will display by default.


This is one of the Mandatory options to complete no matter what you are using at your site in terms of other modules

  • text is displayed to the Guest if your Hotspot Controller is offline for any reason. Usually good to put something so your guests can alert staff as it usually is only due to the source internet connection being offline or a cable is lose with your equipment.


This is one of the Mandatory options to complete no matter what you are using at your site in terms of other modules

  • text is displayed to the guest upon successfully logging in with the exception of the PMS module which have their own Success fields contained in their specific configs.


Displays only within the QR code reader option.

  • text is text displayed to the user to help them understand how to proceed.

** QR Code reader is not available on Apple devices due to a limitation in their Captive Portal system.


Displays only within the Email Survey option.

  • text is text displayed to the user to help them understand how to proceed. Usually informing them to enter their email address.


Displays only for Site Bypass mode, and in reality should never be displayed. But in limited circumstances some devices are simply “too quick” and display the captive portal in error.

  • text is text displayed to the user to help them understand how to proceed.

  • buttontext defaults to “Continue” but can be set to whatever you feel is best for your property.


Displays only for when a guest device has been identified as being on the blacklist.

  • text is text displayed to the user to explain why all login options have been removed from them.


Displays a link on the first page of the Captive Portal which will load the Terms & Conditions set within the Terms & Conditions section.

  • text is the text displayed to the user and also is the link

  • enabled is a toggle to display or not to the user


Modifies options globally across all sections the value is valid for, some items will only appear after they were first used by the system.

  • btn-text-color modifies the colour of the text on all buttons

  • PMS Related responses

    • pmsresponse-welcome allows regional “Wecome” substituted

    • pmsresponse-notfound modifies message when a booking is not found

    • pmsresponse-access-exists modifies message to say access was found, this message only appears when MAC Auth has failed to trigger

    • pmsresponse-blocked-multiroom modifies message when user attempts to authenticate to a second booking if the first one exceeded data limits

    • pmsresponse-expired-purchasepms modifies message when access has expired (usually due to data limits) and purchase charged to PMS platform is configured

    • pmsresponse-expired modifies message when access has expired (usually due to data limits), purchases may be made via CC or in person if configured for the site

    • pmsresponse-granted-unlimted modifies message when a user is granted unlimited access

      • ***DEPARTDATE*** is available as a merge field

    • pmsresponse-granted-shared modifies message when a user is granted access for a voucher shared with multiple devices

      • ***DEPARTDATE*** and ***DATA*** are available as a merge fields

    • pmsresponse-granted-perdevice modifies message when a user is granted access for a voucher not shared with other devices

      • ***DEPARTDATE*** and ***DATA*** are available as a merge fields

    • pmsresponse-rejected-devices-pay modifies message when a user is rejected due to maximum device limits being reached and there is a payment option to charge to the PMS Platform

      • ***MAXDEVICES*** is available as a merge field

    • pmsresponse-rejected-devices modifies message when a user is rejected due to maximum device limits being reached, purchases may be made via CC or in person if configured for the site

      • ***MAXDEVICES*** is available as a merge field