Custom Queue Calculator

Custom Queues can make the user experience significantly better than using Simple Limits, however they are significantly more complex to create and a single character being incorrect will cause no limit to be applied at all (which is very much unwanted). We have supplied a very simplified calculator tool to help you get the most out of your Custom Queues without needing to read pages and pages of documentation on the matter.

We always encourage you to consult with 4WiFi staff or your Resell Partner if you feel you require help with any part of the configuration of the 4WiFi Platform. This setting is one of the easiest to get wrong and can have some of the largest impacts as a result of an error.

So be careful.

The Calculator Tool is available within the Settings menu:

There are limited options to need to set and some complex calculations are performed in the background to ensure you get a a sensible result. The input numbers do not directly show on the output in all cases, this is normal as calculations need to be performed based on all the data.

  • Max Limit fields (in green) are the hard limit you wish to set if a guest continues to consume data at a rate faster than you would like them to over the Burst Time.

  • Burst Limit (in blue) is the upper limit for which a guest can consume data at for short periods of time.

  • Actual Burst Time (in red) is the number of seconds which a guest can burst for before being slowed down.

The Copy Custom Queue button will copy the resulting configuration line to your clipboard so you can add it to your required setting.


Points to consider

Since guests are able to burst, it is usually recommended the Max Limit is set lower than you otherwise would with a Simple Limit. This also helps lower the number of guests who simply “download” which is high impact on the source connection to the internet.

Keep the Actual Burst Time low since a higher number will result in more Memory and CPU requirements from the Hotspot Controller.